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How to Keep Your Body Down the Hill

As skiers advance and start to ski steeper and sometimes narrower pistes it’s necessary to learn new ways of turning to control speed. One of the best ways to control your speed on something steep and narrow, while still looking stylish, is the short turn.

This is simply a normal turn completed in a shorter amount of time meaning that you can fit more turns in, controlling your speed down the slope.

The key to a good short turn is that you can turn your skis fully across the slope while keeping your upper body facing down the hill. By only turning your legs and feet you are more agile and can complete the movements faster – try it now:

Stand up and jump 180 degrees one way then back again, turning your whole body.

Now try it while keeping everything from your hips up facing the same direction and just turning your legs and feet as you jump.

Which version allowed to complete the jump turns faster?

We call this ability to turn your legs without turning your upper body rotational separation, and it’s something a lot of skiers struggle with.

Rotational separation in a short turn.

(N.B. Don’t try to keep your body down the hill all the time – if you are doing longer, faster turns you will be stronger and more stable keeping your body facing the same direction as your skis.)

While there are plenty of drills and exercises you can practise to improve this skill on skis, you can also get a head start from home. Rotational separation requires flexibility, mobility and strength in the hips and core so the following exercises can give you a head start:


Kneeling Lizard Stretch

- From all fours bring one foot up and place it to the outside of the same side hand.

- Shuffle the other knee back to create more space.

- Allow hips to sink down, lowering onto your forearms if you are able to.

TFL Stretch

- Kneel on one knee, draw your tummy in and squeeze the glute of your kneeling leg.

- Move your hips forwards until you feel a stretch in your hip flexor.

- Place both hands on the outside of your front thigh and twist in towards it.

Frog Adductor Stretch

- From kneeling bring your knees out wide with your calves going straight back and your feet turned out.

- Place your forearms on the floor in front of you.

- Gently move your hips back between your knees until you feel a stretch in your inner thighs.


All Fours Knee Circles

- Start on all fours with one knee lifted just off the ground.

- Keeping your hips still, make big circles with your knee, focussing on your femur rotating in your hip socket.

- Do this in both directions.

Bear Sit Windscreen Wipers

- Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet wide apart, resting on your heels.

- Place your hands on the floor behind you for support.

- Lower both knees down to one side as far as you can without your bum coming off the floor.

- Do the same on the other side and continue to alternate.

90-90 Foot Lifts

- Sit on the floor with one thigh coming straight out in front of you and the other straight out to the side so they make a 90 degree angle.

- Bend both knees to 90 degrees.

- Place your hands on the floor just in front of you for support.

- Keeping everything else still, press your back knee into the floor and raise your foot off the ground then lower it back with control.


Standing Banded Clams

- Place a mini resistance band around your thighs just above your knee.

- Stand on one leg with the toes of your raised foot resting on your other ankle.

- Open your knee out as wide as you can while keeping your hips facing forwards then close it with control.

Glute Bridge Adduction

- Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, insides of your feet touching each other.

- Engage your core, squeeze your glutes and lift your hips off the ground.

- Open your knees out as wide as you can then squeeze them closed again.

Mountain Climbers with Crossover

- Start in a high plank position with your hands under your shoulders and body in a straight line from head to heels.

- Lift one foot and bring your knee up to touch your opposite elbow.

- Repeat with the other leg.

Give them a try and feel the benefits when you’re back on skis!

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